Evaluation of Handheld Assays for the Detection of Ricin and Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B in Disinfected Waters

Evaluation of Handheld Assays for the Detection of Ricin and Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B in Disinfected Waters


Development of a rapid field test is needed capable of determining if field supplies of water are safe to drink by the warfighter during a military operation. The present study sought to assess the effectiveness of handheld assays (HHAs) in detecting ricin and Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B (SEB) in water. Performance of HHAs was evaluated in formulated tap water with and without chlorine, reverse osmosis water (RO) with chlorine, and RO with bromine. Each matrix was prepared, spiked with ricin or SEB at multiple concentrations, and then loaded onto HHAs. HHAs were allowed to develop and then read visually. Limits of detection (LOD) were determined for all HHAs in each water type. Both ricin and SEB were detected by HHAs in formulated tap water at or below the suggested health effect levels of 455 ng/mL and 4.55 ng/mL, respectively. However, in brominated or chlorinated waters, LODs for SEB increased to approximately 2,500 ng/mL. LODs for ricin increased in chlorinated water, but still remained below the suggested health effect level. In brominated water, the LOD for ricin increased to approximately 2,500 ng/mL. In conclusion, the HHAs tested were less effective at detecting ricin and SEB in disinfected water, as currently configured.


Pengembangan uji lapangan yang cepat diperlukan mampu menentukan apakah bidang pasokan air yang aman untuk diminum oleh Warfighter selama operasi militer. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menilai efektivitas tes genggam (HHAs) dalam mendeteksi risin dan staphylococcal enterotoksin B (SEB) dalam air. Kinerja HHAs dievaluasi dalam air keran dirumuskan dengan dan tanpa kaporit, air reverse osmosis (RO) dengan klorin, dan RO dengan bromin. Setiap matriks disiapkan, dibubuhi risin atau SEB pada beberapa konsentrasi, dan kemudian dimuat ke HHAs. HHAs diizinkan untuk mengembangkan dan kemudian membaca secara visual. Batas deteksi (LOD) ditentukan untuk semua HHAs di setiap jenis air. Kedua risin dan SEB terdeteksi oleh HHAs dalam air keran dirumuskan pada atau di bawah tingkat kesehatan menyarankan efek dari 455 ng / mL dan 4,55 ng / mL, masing-masing. Namun, di perairan brominasi atau diklorinasi, Lods untuk SEB meningkat menjadi sekitar 2.500 ng / mL. Lods untuk risin meningkat dalam air yang mengandung klor, tapi masih tetap di bawah tingkat kesehatan menyarankan efek. Dalam air brominasi, LOD untuk risin meningkat menjadi sekitar 2.500 ng / mL. Kesimpulannya, HHAs diuji kurang efektif dalam mendeteksi risin dan SEB dalam air didesinfeksi, seperti konfigurasi saat ini.

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